Replacing Our Filters

On April 1, I experienced a transformational vision during my morning meditation. I watched an influx of light coming into the planet, stirring up turbulence and density at individual and collective consciousness levels. Density When I use the term density, I’m referring to our fears, embedded emotions, old ways of thinking or perceiving, and […]
How Do I Know When It’s Time?

Assisting a pet to transition home to spirit is a tender decision. I’ve needed to make this heart-rending decision through the years, and I want to offer you some solace. During end-of-life scenarios, pets have conveyed poignant messages to their persons about being ready to transition. My intuition has shown me various physical signs, for […]
Reanimating Your Heart Spark

Wintertime offers quiet repose and inner retreats. Although this sounds desirable, when we actually press our life’s pause button, we may become aware of aspects of us that feel out of sorts. Many of the sessions I’ve conducted in the past months have assisted people who were feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, or uninspired. If this speaks […]
Why Is My Dog Doing That?

As we know, our pet friends serve as companions, friends, healers, and protectors. They instinctively attempt to restore balance in our energy fields when they perceive we’re out of sorts. The following information offers 2 examples from 2 different women inquiring about their dogs’ seemingly uncharacteristic behavior. An animal communication session provided these curious women […]

Quietude Meditation Have you visited the place, the feeling inside of you, that restores peacefulness? If you haven’t, or perhaps it’s been a while since your last visit, the meditation I am offering gifts you with an opportunity to visit quietude. In the early weeks of December, during the wee hours of the morning, […]
Intuition, Your Divine Guidance

Do you squeeze your tube of toothpaste from the middle, or are you like my Dad who folded the tube neatly from the bottom up? Either way, the task requires some kind of pressure, right? Why am I talking about toothpaste and pressure? I was given this as a metaphor to make a point. There […]
Purge, Merge, & Recalculate

Within the past few weeks, I felt an accumulation of energies within me that I knew would be essential for me to purge. When we purge old stories stored in our mental body, trapped emotions, or past life patterns surfacing in present day scenarios, we create more space for something new and even more […]
Taco Anyone?
Most of the time when someone asks me about a rescue animal’s past, the animal conveys unpleasant, sad, or even abusive scenarios. However, in this case, I’m going to share a delightful discovery from a rescue dog during the first few days of his adoption. My client, Laurie, adopted a rescue dog named Cosmo. He […]
An Unexpected Friend

An Unexpected Friend I met a new friend when I wasn’t expecting to, but isn’t that how it happens? We were introduced at the Gem and Mineral Show in Franklin, NC in May. This friend had lived in the Himalayan mountains at an elevation of 8,000 feet and is a teacher. This friend carries […]
Restoring a Breach of Trust

Have you ever had to give medicine to your pet? Was it a stressful battle, or did you receive welcomed cooperation? If it was more of a battle, would you like an effective solution for restoring any breach of trust in your well-meaning care? A dear client, Tom, asked me for help with his […]