Is Anger a Bad Thing?

How are you feeling these days? In recent weeks, my sessions are supporting people grappling with varying degrees of anger, resentment, frustration and feeling overwhelmed. I’ve certainly felt these emotions at times too. I now have more awareness, along with additional energetic tools, to help people transmute these emotions through love. We are each being […]

A Luminous Perspective

Would you like some INSPIRATION and HOPEFULNESS? One morning during my devotional time I asked my usual question, ‘What is most helpful for me to know just for today?’ The intuitive response I received encouraged me, and perhaps it will encourage you too. Stay the course. There are many people moving forward, and there are […]

Bigger Picture, Higher Wisdom, From Corona Virus Experience

On March 23, 2020 after my morning meditation, I asked Higher Wisdom for 3 themes that are most helpful to know about in how we are growing and developing as a result of the Covid-19 virus pandemic. What is the influence it is having on us? A new stage is being presented. As in a […]

Hear the Fear, Yet Nurture the Love

With the emergence of Covid-19, most of us are experiencing a spectrum of heightened emotions, particularly fear. In March when I felt a growing discomfort of fear within me, I made a conscious choice to experience the opposite of fear. The opposite of fear is to feel safe, trusting and loved. I’m offering the suggestions […]

Calm, Clear & Connected, Guided Meditation With Renee

Please enjoy this guided meditation to feel calm, clear and connected. With the changing environment before us, now is an opportune time to go within, raise your Light Quotient and enhance your resilience. This meditation offers a template on inner awareness coordinates for connecting within, connecting to the Earth and connecting to the Light of […]

Emotional Mirroring From Your Pet

From your pet’s perspective, sometimes the reason for your pet’s undesirable behavior may extend beyond your pet to something going on within you or in your household. Every relationship serves as a mirror reflection of our self, including our relationship with our pets. Our pet’s undesirable behavior may serve to bring awareness to an aspect […]

Personal Energy Theme

Watch my video to learn how to identify your Personal Energy Theme which will help you to remain connected to your heart and raise your vibration!

Nervous California Cat

In this FROM YOUR PET’S PERSPECTIVE video, learn the reasons why a cat was pooping outside of the litter box, AND after our communication, he started using the litter box again! Hip hip hurray!

Transformation and 4 Easy Grounding Techniques

There are times in our lives when we seek transformation, we feel restless and want to change a pattern of thinking or behaving or create a new direction in our life. We may attend a workshop, a retreat or receive insight from an intuitive reading. Then there are other times when transformation finds us. Something […]

Setting An Intention To Initiate Positive Change

Do you feel like you’re ready for positive change in your life? Do you feel restless or stuck? It may be time to set an intention. It’s a way of consciously choosing your desired outcome, like being in a loving relationship, experiencing fulfilling work, maintaining financial stability or optimal health. From a cosmic perspective, according […]