Reiki the Weather Frequencies

The following information is provided by astrologer Molly McCord, who reminds us of how powerful we are and that we have the ability to Reiki the weather frequencies! Reiki is life force energy that can be used for transformation based upon intention. You can intend and imagine sending Life Force energy through your heart and […]

Surviving Storm Helene

  The following events were overwhelming for us at times, but we navigated the challenging circumstances. Here’s some of what we went through.   Just before dawn on Friday, September 29, I woke to sounds of wind, rain, and Kitty Q meowing at our bedroom door. If he stays indoors overnight, he waits quietly for […]

The Power of Consciousness

power of consciousness

Every loving thought, feeling, and action ‘overrides’ multiple experiences of that which is not.      ~David R. Hawkins, authority in consciousness research, author of Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.   The power of consciousness can activate life altering change. I experienced it first hand when dealing with a distressing dog situation in […]

Entering Into Stillness and Calm

Here are three, simple phrases that may guide you into a serene meditation experience. As you say them silently in your mind, they serve to connect you with the aspect of you that is pure consciousness, also referred to as the soul or higher self. When you realize your mind has become tangled up in […]

A Sensitive Horse’s Anxiety

Animals convey all kinds of information during a session. First, I address the questions that the person has about their animal. Then, the animal shares even more information, like the communication I had with Hoke and his person Michelle. We were nearing the end of his session when I asked Hoke if there was anything […]

‘Tis the Season to Raise Our Love Vibe

A friend and I were talking on the phone about our holiday activities and catching up on our lives. We both commented there are less Christmas cards to send this year because some of the people on our lists have died, transitioned home to spirit. My friend piped up quickly and said, “We had four […]

A Mystical Moment

On Thursday morning, October 19, I’m standing in my small, walk-in closet deciding what to wear. In this ordinary moment, an unexpected, mystical moment unfolds. My mind’s eye opens, clearly and slowly, revealing an inter-dimensional, circular window through which I see my soul’s consciousness. My earthly self appears like a subset of, and connected to, […]

A Shift In Consciousness, To Avoid a Cat-tastrophe

We enter into relationships with people for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. This wisdom also holds true regarding the relationship with our pets. I want to share with you how my husband and I met our friend, Kitty Q, and how he served to activate a shift in consciousness within me, our neighborhood, […]

Topsy Turvy Transitions, Understanding Our Subconscious Role

We all move through transitions—moving from one state of being to another, or moving through a rite of passage like the transition from adolescence to adulthood. With the increasing acceleration of ascension, all of humanity is being given the opportunity of moving from lower states of consciousness into higher states of consciousness. We’re moving from […]

Replacing Our Filters

On April 1, I experienced a transformational vision during my morning meditation. I watched an influx of light coming into the planet, stirring up turbulence and density at individual and collective consciousness levels.   Density When I use the term density, I’m referring to our fears, embedded emotions, old ways of thinking or perceiving, and […]