A Mystical Moment

On Thursday morning, October 19, I’m standing in my small, walk-in closet deciding what to wear. In this ordinary moment, an unexpected, mystical moment unfolds. My mind’s eye opens, clearly and slowly, revealing an inter-dimensional, circular window through which I see my soul’s consciousness. My earthly self appears like a subset of, and connected to, the largeness of my soul.

As I view the vastness of my soul’s consciousness juxtaposed with my miniature-looking, body, I receive information. This information comes in ways of knowing, feelings, and telepathic hearing. The waves of feelings touch into a deep, peaceful place within me and activate a divine knowing that lives within me, is me, and sends ripples of awareness and reminders to my every-day, earthly self. I feel a thirst being quenched, satisfying a part of me unaware of being parched.

A Soulful Reminder

I receive a two-fold reminder regarding my purpose—the spiritual level in which my soul chose to serve humanity; and as an embodied soul, how I participate in my earthly life moving through personal cycles, timing, rhythm, and pace. I relax into this comprehensive awareness that will serve me in balancing my energies, activities, and relationships going forward. I’m to trust and accept how each moment unfolds during the day knowing that my needs will always be met—I already have everything I need. This awareness is as certain and intimate as my heartbeat and breath.

The Solar and Lunar Eclipse

My mystical moment happens within the timing of an eclipse portal. We’re moving through an eclipse portal that began with a solar eclipse on October 14 and completes with a lunar eclipse on October 28. I’m not an astrologer, but I do appreciate astrological wisdom and have learned in recent years that eclipses serve to accelerate transformation.

A portal eclipse moves us through an energetic birth canal, and the movement can be uncomfortable and messy, perhaps like renovating a room in a house. The insistence for change brings forth hidden, unconscious shadow aspects to be acknowledged and integrated. This particular eclipse portal activates and amplifies power plays and fiery energies like frustration or anger. Obviously, the world stage is reflecting these dynamics.

With awareness of these energies, we may choose to check in with our nervous system before we lash out with harsh words or speak without thinking first. Sensitivities are heightened, so being gentle with ourselves and with others will be beneficial.

Elevating Our Consciousness

Eclipse energies can elevate our consciousness, initiating a deeper connection with our inner peace. Consequently, our external world shifts. We may feel a strong urge to change our habits, take better care of our body and health, receive inspiration for a creative project, initiate a new vocation or a relationship.  We feel a deep, inner stirring to choose what brings us joy rather than falling in step with previous habits or society’s expectations of our participation. Recognizing behavior patterns we’ve outgrown, we can take positive steps toward making different choices.

The universe is always in flux, and it’s up to us to remain optimistic even as we experience inevitable disruptions. We have the power and potential to create anew. As we experience each acceleration in consciousness, we have the opportunity to activate deeper peacefulness and resilience thereby benefiting ourselves and all of life.

Activating Deeper Peacefulness

One opportunity at this time invites us to focus on how we bring ourselves into a place of inner tranquility and peacefulness through our thoughts and feelings. For example, feeling grateful is one of the highest love vibrations we can experience.

To elevate our feelings, we can bring to mind—a sunrise, a sparkling waterfall, a beloved pet, a favorite song or activity like dancing, fishing, or walking in the woods, in the desert, or on a beach. Recall the enjoyment of trail riding with your horse, camping, or kayaking. Perhaps you recall the feeling of playing with your children or grandchildren and the shared joy.

We need to be able to establish our inner baseline of tranquility that comes alive inside of us as we recall moments of connecting that bring forth gratitude and joy. These self-generated thoughts create life-affirming, soul nourishment as well as creating powerful ripples feeding into the collective consciousness.

Recalling these feelings is like plucking a string in on a guitar that creates a resounding state of consciousness. This consciousness establishes a feeling of strength and stability with an unmovable place of inner peace. I encourage a repeating practice of this thought-feeling recall as we move through the day. Perhaps using a key phrase like ‘grateful now’ or ‘peaceful now’ can serve as an activating reminder for building upon a feeling of inner peace.

A Guided Meditation

Here’s a meditation that I learned years ago from my yoga mentor. I’m offering it to you tweaked just a bit. I’ve included it on my meditation page, where you’ll find more guided meditations to assist you with connecting within or activating healing. Expanding the Radiance of Your True Essence, https://intuitguide.com/meditations/.


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