How Do I Know When It’s Time?
Assisting a pet to transition home to spirit is a tender decision. I’ve needed to make this heart-rending decision through the years, and I want to offer you some solace. During end-of-life scenarios, pets have conveyed poignant messages to their persons about being ready to transition. My intuition has shown me various physical signs, for […]
Restoring a Breach of Trust
Have you ever had to give medicine to your pet? Was it a stressful battle, or did you receive welcomed cooperation? If it was more of a battle, would you like an effective solution for restoring any breach of trust in your well-meaning care? A dear client, Tom, asked me for help with his […]
RICE (Relevant Insight for Conscious Expansion), Nov 2016
Quality of Being Ease, Trust and Action Through Inner Calm Message of Self Mastery On a back-country road, I have noticed a spring where water naturally flows. I have seen people filling up their containers with this natural spring water. Like this continuously flowing mountain spring, we too, have access to an infinite flow of […]