The Power of Consciousness

power of consciousness

Every loving thought, feeling, and action ‘overrides’ multiple experiences of that which is not.      ~David R. Hawkins, authority in consciousness research, author of Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.   The power of consciousness can activate life altering change. I experienced it first hand when dealing with a distressing dog situation in […]

How Do I Know When It’s Time?

Assisting a pet to transition home to spirit is a tender decision. I’ve needed to make this heart-rending decision through the years, and I want to offer you some solace. During end-of-life scenarios, pets have conveyed poignant messages to their persons about being ready to transition. My intuition has shown me various physical signs, for […]


Sunrise in Hendersonville, NC

Quietude Meditation Have you visited the place, the feeling inside of you, that restores peacefulness? If you haven’t, or perhaps it’s been a while since your last visit, the meditation I am offering gifts you with an opportunity to visit quietude.   In the early weeks of December, during the wee hours of the morning, […]

Unexpected Spiritual Intervention

Spiritual intervention occurs in our lives when we need it most, often in unexpected ways. One of the ways is during dream time. I had a dream that served as an uplifting healing regarding the continuity of life. There are many world events unfolding that are generating chaos, fear, and sadness. For those of us […]