The Power of Consciousness
Every loving thought, feeling, and action ‘overrides’ multiple experiences of that which is not. ~David R. Hawkins, authority in consciousness research, author of Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior. The power of consciousness can activate life altering change. I experienced it first hand when dealing with a distressing dog situation in […]
How Do I Know When It’s Time?
Assisting a pet to transition home to spirit is a tender decision. I’ve needed to make this heart-rending decision through the years, and I want to offer you some solace. During end-of-life scenarios, pets have conveyed poignant messages to their persons about being ready to transition. My intuition has shown me various physical signs, for […]
Intuition, Your Divine Guidance
Do you squeeze your tube of toothpaste from the middle, or are you like my Dad who folded the tube neatly from the bottom up? Either way, the task requires some kind of pressure, right? Why am I talking about toothpaste and pressure? I was given this as a metaphor to make a point. There […]
A CRASH Course on Soul Growth
Sometimes we need a reminder of why we exist based on a bigger picture perspective…we are here to realize self-fulfillment and experience our potentials. During a lifetime of adventures, we are, at times, called upon to leave familiar people and places to undertake heroic tasks. Along the road of life, we will meet with helpers, […]