Quiet Moments with Your Inner Smile
During a recent yoga class that my husband and I attended, the teacher focused on the theme of joy and the Inner smile. This message spoke to me given all of the extra planning, activities, and some frantic feelings I felt during this holiday season—and I rediscovered my joyful, inner smile. The Concept of […]
Topsy Turvy Transitions, Understanding Our Subconscious Role

We all move through transitions—moving from one state of being to another, or moving through a rite of passage like the transition from adolescence to adulthood. With the increasing acceleration of ascension, all of humanity is being given the opportunity of moving from lower states of consciousness into higher states of consciousness. We’re moving from […]
Purge, Merge, & Recalculate

Within the past few weeks, I felt an accumulation of energies within me that I knew would be essential for me to purge. When we purge old stories stored in our mental body, trapped emotions, or past life patterns surfacing in present day scenarios, we create more space for something new and even more […]
Calm, Clear & Connected, Guided Meditation With Renee
Please enjoy this guided meditation to feel calm, clear and connected. With the changing environment before us, now is an opportune time to go within, raise your Light Quotient and enhance your resilience. This meditation offers a template on inner awareness coordinates for connecting within, connecting to the Earth and connecting to the Light of […]
Get Centered Quickly
This technique helps you to feel centered within 1 minute or less. When you’re centered, you feel calm and clear.
Unexpected Spiritual Intervention
Spiritual intervention occurs in our lives when we need it most, often in unexpected ways. One of the ways is during dream time. I had a dream that served as an uplifting healing regarding the continuity of life. There are many world events unfolding that are generating chaos, fear, and sadness. For those of us […]