Emotional Mirroring From Your Pet
From your pet’s perspective, sometimes the reason for your pet’s undesirable behavior may extend beyond your pet to something going on within you or in your household. Every relationship serves as a mirror reflection of our self, including our relationship with our pets. Our pet’s undesirable behavior may serve to bring awareness to an aspect […]
Pet Behavior And Physical Pain
A question I’m often asked from clients is, ‘Why is my pet behaving the way it is?’ One reason is that it is in physical pain.
Leaving Your Pets
When life calls, you sometimes have to leave your pets. Your pets may need to stay at home, at a veterinarian clinic or at a kennel, while you answer life’s call. Each pet has its own feelings about your absence. I can help your pets, and you, feel more comfortable through an Extended Absence Session. […]
Unexpected Pet Additions
The shock of dealing with a loved one’s sudden, unexpected health crisis sets a tone of general distress. This stress may amplify when you need to attend to their pet(s). This leads to the decision to integrate their pet(s) into your household, temporarily or permanently. This can be further complicated if your household already has […]
Keeping A Promise
Promise is a horse I had the privilege of communicating with and opens our story for this issue. Are you taking care of your pet, or is your pet taking care of you? Some humans tend to believe we are caring more for our pets than the care they provide for us. However, I’ve found, […]
Pets In Spirit
Have you ever woken from your morning slumber with the sensation of your pet jumping onto your bed? Were you temporarily confused when you realized that your pet is actually deceased and in Spirit? Many of us, with beloved pet friends in Spirit, have been visited by them. They have chosen to contact us either […]