Restoring a Breach of Trust

Have you ever had to give medicine to your pet? Was it a stressful battle, or did you receive welcomed cooperation? If it was more of a battle, would you like an effective solution for restoring any breach of trust in your well-meaning care? A dear client, Tom, asked me for help with his […]
Your Sparkle!
Don’t let anyone dull your Sparkle! This saying appears on the cover of my personal Intuition Journal. It reminds me to remain connected to my Light, the Light of my soul, no matter what life brings. Your personal Light contains the essence of your Soul. When you pay attention to your desires, personal needs, enthusiasm and […]
How to Quiet the Mind
One day, a woman was walking along the beach, something caught her eye. Looking down, she saw a tarnished lantern stuck in the sand, picking it up and rubbing it, “Poof!” When the smoke cleared, out popped a Genie. The Genie was willing to grant the woman anything she wished. Without giving it any thought, […]