Reiki the Weather Frequencies

The following information is provided by astrologer Molly McCord, who reminds us of how powerful we are and that we have the ability to Reiki the weather frequencies! Reiki is life force energy that can be used for transformation based upon intention. You can intend and imagine sending Life Force energy through your heart and mind to a destructive weather pattern to diminish and dissolve it through love.

We can energetically work with anything, including hurricanes, so please unwind it, dissolve it, weaken it!

Reiki the weather.

We don’t need to learn and grow through more destruction and we don’t need to experience more water extremes. We can diminish the impact of storms energetically together without needing to amp up catastrophic fears and outcomes.

New Earth energies of peace, harmony, light, joy, love, healing and connection all vibrate higher than these storms. We can work with them to relax, release, and dispel the energies into lower forms.

Everything has a frequency.
Frequency directs and guides the elements.

Focus on calming and loving the water molecules.
Dissipating the wind and rain.
Releasing the fear.

If you feel called to work with these energies, all assistance is appreciated!

As well as continuing to send support, donations, resources, and assistance to all areas recovering from Helene. The higher frequencies can do quantum good when we collectively focus on them.
Same for areas recovering from Hurricane John in Mexico, Storm Boris in Europe, 2 Typhoons in Asia, and flooding in Nepal.

We can powerfully contribute to the collective energies at all times! Frequencies up!

Thank you to those of you who are activating your ability to hold peace and stabilize higher energies right now, especially for all areas in recovery.

Please remember that we are made for these times.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

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