power of consciousness

The Power of Consciousness

Every loving thought, feeling, and action ‘overrides’ multiple experiences of that which is not.      ~David R. Hawkins, authority in consciousness research, author of Power vs Force, The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.


The power of consciousness can activate life altering change. I experienced it first hand when dealing with a distressing dog situation in our neighborhood. The situation turned around like a miracle after I did courageous inner work.


Consciousness, is, in essence, who we are, our spiritual nature, our true self. The ego, the false self, obscures access to our true self. We need to learn how to reclaim our relationship with our true self.


I’ve been doing inner transformational work for many years and am aware that lessons repeat. Doing inner work dissolves the ego that keeps holding onto painful perceptions.


When the pain of the false self dissolves, then higher spiritual energies of the true self can be absorbed and embodied. Lower frequency energies simultaneously become replaced by higher frequency energies. Life changes in beautiful, loving, and powerful ways.


If we’re unhappy about a circumstance, we can work from the inside out.


Given the accelerated, transitional energies that humanity is moving through, this process of securing a connection with our true self will become essential. We can be resilient, discerning, and maintain well being.


We’re moving from a dominant culture of deferring to outer authority and succumbing to the use of force and violence, to a relationship culture that values inner wisdom, individual expression, and a balance of masculine (thinking) energies, with the feminine (feeling) energies. Working on inner transformation ushers in a new state of being.


Dissolve Distress, Experience Elevated Emotions

Distressing circumstances happen in life:

  • We get blamed for something that’s not our fault.
  • A family member or friend misunderstands our communication.
  • We disagree with someone’s point of view.
  • We feel lonely and sorry for ourselves.


We’ve been dwelling in the mental realm for thousands of years, and mental energies have served their purpose. Now, we are in the process of shifting into feeling, balanced with thoughts, evolving toward creating kind and compassionate change.


Feeling is KEY to activating inner transformation! Just having a mental thought of an emotion like joyfulness won’t secure our desired change to experience the power of consciousness. We must be able to feel the emotion based upon an experience from our past when we connected with that energy.


We then keep rippling that energy through our body. Bringing feeling energies into the body as a sensation is necessary. By incorporating these elevated energies into the body, we activate the power of consciousness.


There’s a guided process to dissolve distress and embody elevated emotions, and I’m going to share those general steps. You can reclaim your relationship with your true self in a deep and lasting way.


If you choose to experience this guided process, you’ll come out of the session with:

  • a statement that includes a happy memory,
  • paired with elevated emotions,
  • related to your desired outcome,
  • as though it’s happening in present time.


The Transformational Process

When I recognize I’m operating from my ego, I dip into my unconscious mind. When stepping into a transformational process, I start out feeling vulnerable, tense, uncomfortable, and tearful. After the process, I feel relaxed, confident, uplifted, and lighter. I’m more connected to my true self. I’m able to trust the universe to handle the details, and I can focus on my new thoughts and uplifted feelings.


Here are the general steps I follow for myself, and for when I guide my clients on their transformational journey to activate the power of consciousness:

  • First, acknowledge distressing thoughts, emotions, and behavior. You can’t change something unless you’re honest with yourself and acknowledge your uncomfortable situation and feelings. Awareness is the first step to change.
  • Rather than project blame and judgement on external persons or circumstances, own your feelings and thoughts regarding the situation.
  • Summon the courage to endure the temporary discomfort of internal scrutiny as you acknowledge and release egoic emotions (shame, despair, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride), with the intention to shift and raise your consciousness.
  • When you reach the consciousness level of neutrality in the process, the pattern of thinking and emotions doesn’t feel painful anymore. You’ll become willing to let go of what no longer serves you.
  • You’ll move from your current experience of suffering, by definition meaning to undergo, into a gentle feeling of relief and acceptance. Life will bring to you what you need for your next level of development—a reward or a deprivation.
  • When you transcend the emotional level of consciousness, you’ll reach the reason level of consciousness. You can better comprehend and understand what you’re experiencing. You can think new thoughts, have new feelings, and take new actions.
  • Bridging into the spiritual level of consciousness, you can absorb the authentic-feeling energies of joyfulness, peacefulness, loving kindness, compassion, and possibly enlightenment.


In summary, when you embody your true-self feelings, the energy will ripple through your thoughts, words, and behavior initiating small changes. You’ll view life through a different lens and make different choices. A different reality is reflected back to you from the external world.

If you’d like to step out of distress, into relief, and more, let’s take this magical journey together! The transformational process requires a little courage, putting on your galoshes and mucking around a little in your unconscious. After you emerge, you can rinse off those galoshes, even kick them off if you want, do a joyful, barefoot dance, and enjoy a more lasting connection with your true self—infinite, wise, loving, peaceful, and all-knowing. Please click this link to schedule an appointment, https://intuitguide.com/about/schedule-an-appointment/.





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